Wednesday, 9 May 2007

ComReg welcomes moves to trial DSA technology: CommsUpdate : TeleGeography Research

The Irish telecoms regulator, the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), has invited companies to begin trialling so-called ‘intelligent radio’ or Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) technology, which it believes offers additional benefits to advanced technologies such as Wi-Fi. According to online news portal, ComReg said on Friday that DSA technology is about ‘maximising the use of the radio spectrum by gaining access to highly sought after frequencies at certain times or in certain locations’. It could offer benefits to mobile and broadband by accessing greater parts of the radio spectrum and accessing it faster. Ofcom in the UK is also exploring the possibilities of using DSA and is currently looking at advanced roaming applications for mobile phones, PDAs and other mobile devices. ComReg chairman Mike Byrne said: ‘ComReg is keen to encourage innovative developments and more efficient ways to use spectrum. We wish to encourage development in these technologies through our test-and-trial licence scheme… We would like to invite interested parties to consider using the test-and-trial licence scheme to investigate the potential of this technology.’